Quality Assurance
Southern Milling feeds are manufactured to the strictest quality control standards of our Department of Agriculture HACCP (Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points) procedure plan. The HACCP plan closely examines each stage of the feed production system to ensure optimum animal feed quality and traceability.
All Raw Materials are sourced and feeds manufactured in accordance with Approved HACCP plan.
The mill is approved and licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Food as one of the few facilities to produce medicated animal feeds.
The mill is also UFAS approved

Late Lactation Feeding 2020
Autumn grass has a lower energy value (lower sugar content) compared to spring/summer grass even through it can look very leafy and green. The response to ration in terms of milk yield is better in the autumn than at any other time of the year.
Low milk lactose levels can be an indication of not enough energy in the cows diet caused by low intake of wet, low-sugar, autumn grass.
With the above mentioned in mind, We at Southern Milling are promoting our Lacto 16 Dairy Nut.