Southern Milling is the market leader in beef feeds and supplies many of the largest intensive beef producers in the country. The beef industry today demands performance in key production parameters like growth rate/daily gain and food conversion efficiency (F.C.E) and traceability. Southern Milling products have earned a reputation of delivering on these key characteristics.
The range of our beef feeds is extensive and we have specialised products for Calf, Weanling, Replacement Heifers, Store, Sucklers and the Finishishing stages of beef production. This product range reflects Southern Millings dedication to the beef enterprise and are available in nut form or Wagon Munch form for diet feeders.
High Energy Beef
High Energy Beef is a 16% crude protein beef nut, that is suitable for feeding to a wide range of young stock and store cattle. The nuts contain high starch and protein levels and compliment forage intake and utilization.
- Recommended from 6 months of age
- Hi-Pro soya provides undegradable protein for young growing animals
- Provides essential amino acids for weanlings
- It is fully balanced for minerals and vitamins
- High cereal content to maximise daily liveweight gain
High Energy Beef is Southern Milling’s market leader due to its on farm performance and it versatility.
Beefmaker has gained a reputation for meeting the demands of today’s top beef finishers.
- The high energy content of the ration derived from maize, barley wheat and digestible fibre sources allow high levels of carcass gain to be achieved.
- Its digestible fibre content stabilizes the rumen, promotes very high intake levels and reduces the incidence of acidosis.
- Soya oil is added as a valuable source of digestible energy.
Beefmaker can be fed at high levels to ensure:
- Highest possible daily gain
- An excellent kill out %
- Improved grading results.
Premium Beef Finisher
This is a high-energy high performance 13% protein cattle finishing feed. It is uniquely blended using top quality ingredients.
Beef Finisher Nuts are
- Designed for concentrate feeding systems right up to ad-lib.
- Fully fortified with high levels of minerals and vitamins for high rate feeding.
- Cereal based to provide ready available energy
- Contains Boostar Tonic a natural feed additive proven to increase daily liveweight gain and optimise feed conversion
Feeding Beef Finisher Nuts will ensure:
- Excellent daily gain.
- Excellent food conversion efficiency.
- Good kill out %.
Beef And Cattle Boost
Beef And Cattle Boost nuts are a 14% crude protein feed suitable for feeding to a wide range of stock and store cattle.
Beef And Cattle Boost is a highly palatable feed which is:
- High in energy for finishing cattle
- An ideal beef feed for store animals or replacement heifers
- The first choice when fed on grass
This ration supplies the necessary protein, minerals and vitamins for young cattle to develop over the winter.
Beef Maize Balancer
Beef Maize Balancer is specifically formulated to fully balance forage maize silage.
- It is manufactured to maximise the liveweight gain and animal performance that is associated with feeding this quality forage
- In addition to Hi Pro soya bean meal as the main souce of top quality protein it has extra high levels of minerals and vitamins especially selenium and sodium
- Contains 17% crude protein to balance the low protein content of maize silage
- This balancer is also available in Wagon Munch form
Young Bull Beef
Young Bull Beef is manufactured to meet the requirements of wienlings and young bulls going for slaughter on ad lib concentrates.
- It is a cereal based high energy 15% crude protein feed.
- Hi Pro Soya bean meal is the source of undegradable protein, which is vital for rapid muscle development.
- Maize meal a key ingredient for achieving a good Fat Score with bulls less than 2 years old.
- Young Bull Beef is fully fortified with minerals, vitamins and trace elements to meet the needs of rapidly growing young bulls.
Weanling Boost
This is a highly nutritious feed developed for creep feeding weanlings from 3 months of age onwards. This will help reduce stress at weaning, and will have better condition and bloom for sale which is highly desired, especially for the export market. Weanlings have a very good food conversion rate of 3 : 1, thus it is very economical to feed weanlings, in terms of return on investment.
Young Bull T
A high density, high performance feed that accomplishes maximum growth rates of up to 3 Kg /Hd/ day, in young growing animals. Southern Milling has formulated and marketed this product into Tully Bull Testing Station since 2002 and Growth rate and Food Conversion Efficiency across all breeds verify the highest claims of measurement.
Equally this product has been used most successfully, to win the highest honours in the show rings around the country in the last few years, with both commercial and pedigree animals.
Pedigree Breeder HF
Infertility is a major problem in most herds today. In a high genetic, valuable herd, a reasonable objective is to improve the fertility status, thus Pedigree Breeder HF (High Fertility) is formulated with extra ingredients, higher levels of key minerals / vitamins and the highest quality raw materials to address this important issue.
A high energy cereal base of Wheat, Maize and Barley along with Hi Pro Soya ensures high energy so the animal is not in negative energy balance. Quality protein guarantees good body condition and milk production.
Salmon Oil is added, which is a rich source of Omega 3, which improves;
- Bulling – reduces silent heats
- Element
- Conception Rate
- Liver Function
- Energy Balance
- And reduces:
- Embryonic Deaths
- Prostaglandin Production.
Key minerals included at high rates to improve fertility include Copper, Selenium, Iodine and Vitamin E. Megalac is added to ensure the cow is in positive energy balance which is fundamental for high fertility. Pedigree Breeder HF is formulated as an ideal feed to be fed to cows before being flushed and for recipient heifers. With this feed, the breeding animals are on a high plane of nutrition, fortified Minerals & Vitamins, and the benefit of extra special ingredients that has key properties in delivering high fertility.

Late Lactation Feeding 2020
Autumn grass has a lower energy value (lower sugar content) compared to spring/summer grass even through it can look very leafy and green. The response to ration in terms of milk yield is better in the autumn than at any other time of the year.
Low milk lactose levels can be an indication of not enough energy in the cows diet caused by low intake of wet, low-sugar, autumn grass.
With the above mentioned in mind, We at Southern Milling are promoting our Lacto 16 Dairy Nut.