Southern Milling is the market leader in the animal feed business, and has developed its high performance reputation from:
- Quality Feeds delivering a high Daily Gain.
- Technical advice by qualified nutritionists.
- Supplying High Bushel wheat and barley based feeds.
- Quality raw materials are sourced at all times.
- Formulating beef feeds rich in essential Minerals and Vitamins.
- Prompt and Reliable delivery service.
Southern Milling manufactures specialised Balancers for: Alkalage, Whole Crop Wheat, Crimped Cereals, Fodder and Sugar Beet.
If you have any nutritional queries please do not hesitate to contact

Late Lactation Feeding 2020
Autumn grass has a lower energy value (lower sugar content) compared to spring/summer grass even through it can look very leafy and green. The response to ration in terms of milk yield is better in the autumn than at any other time of the year.
Low milk lactose levels can be an indication of not enough energy in the cows diet caused by low intake of wet, low-sugar, autumn grass.
With the above mentioned in mind, We at Southern Milling are promoting our Lacto 16 Dairy Nut.