
Late Lactation Feeding 2020
Autumn grass has a lower energy value (lower sugar content) compared to spring/summer grass even through it can look very leafy and green. The response to ration in terms of milk yield is better in the autumn than at any other time of the year.
Low milk lactose levels can be an indication of not enough energy in the cows diet caused by low intake of wet, low-sugar, autumn grass.
With the above mentioned in mind, We at Southern Milling are promoting our Lacto 16 Dairy Nut.
Premium Grazing Fertility Nuts
Southern Milling’s High Fertility Dairy Range is heavily fortified with all the minerals which are so essential for the health and fertility of the dairy herd. These minerals are available to the cow in a protected form, which allow for efficient absorption into blood stream. Protected trace minerals are four or five times more available to the animal than conventional minerals.
COVID 19 Coronavirus
Our team of sales reps wont be calling from farm to farm but are available via phone call or text message to take orders or to provide advice. Ensure to give feed orders in advance of when needed.
Calving 2019… Feeding the cow.
With calving 2019 upon us, Dairy farmers should remember it is vital that freshly calved cows are fed a high energy ration to meet their dietary requirements.
High Fertility Dairy Range 2018
After what has been an extremely challenging spring on both man and beast, now is not the time to be compromising your dairy cow with breeding season upon us. Southern Milling Ltd are brand leaders for high quality dairy feeds. Our broad range of consistently, top...

Milkosol 18 …. Looking after your cows.
With calving 2018 nearly upon us, Dairy farmers should remember it is vital that freshly calved cows are fed a high energy ration to meet their dietary requirements. Consideration should also be given to silage quality and quantities and that grassland is wetter than normal for those who intend to turnout cows post calving.
Here at Southern Milling we recommend our Milkosol 18 dairy nut:
Are your dairy replacements on target?
Benefits of achieving 2 year old calving
Increased number of lactations and lifetime production
Reduced cost of production
Reduced replacement rate
Maintain compact calving
National Dairy Show
Call in to our Southern Milling stand to say hello if your visiting the National Dairy Show in Millstreet on October 21st.
Finishing Cattle
Trials have shown a good response from finishing cattle at grass by supplementing with 2.5-3 kg of meal per day — if excellent quality grass is available at all times.

Get the best performance from grazed grass this season by feeding either SUPERGRAZE or BREEDER SUPREME nuts .
Support butterfat and protein % when grazing lush, leafy swards this season with Southern Milling’s high fertility feeds containing ActiSaf.