- All the raw materials used by Southern Milling Ltd are of the highest standard, with every consignment delivered being sampled and examined to ensure it complies with our high standards and meets the requirements set out in our HACCP plan.
- The raw materials are routinely tested in the laboratory to ensure that their analysis is within our tight tolerance.
- This gives Southern Milling the confidence of using of the same high quality grain across all species.
- To ensure the highest quality and traceability of its feeds Southern Milling Ltd only source raw materials from approved suppliers who operate to the highest standards.
Click on the tabs below to read more:
A very important ingredient that runs through almost all our feeds, has a protein average of 9%-11%. A high energy ingredient in the form of starch 57%, making it very fermentable for the ruminant animal. In pig and poultry diets it also offers a high energy component to the feed
Starch: 57%
Sugars: 10%
Protein: 9.5 %
NDF: 7%
Ash: 7%
Oil: 13%
UFL: 1.00
UFV: 1.00
Distillers Dark Grains
A product of the ethanol production in the U.S. High in good quality protein and fibre which is well digestable to ruminants. A high energy, mid protein feed which is reasonably undegraded in the rumen. Low in starch due to its extraction in the brewing process and has the highest energy value of all the distillers grains, being higher in oil than barley distillers grains.
Starch: 4.5%
Sugars: 5.5%
Protein: 28%
NDF 44.5%
Ash 4.9%
Oil: 12%
Maize Gluten
Derived from the wet milling of maize to extract starch for ethonal/alcohol production in the U.S. The Maize seed is rich in starch 60-70% being found mainly in the endosperm. The grain is then steeped in a mild sulphurous acid solution for 36-46 hours, this soften the kernel and releases the protein. The steep liquor is removed to make corn steep liquor and the fibre is pelleted with it to make maize gluten.
Has a protein of 20% with reasonable energy value, and very good digestibility.
Starch: 22%
Sugars: 3.5%
Protein: 21.5%
NDF: 42.5%
Ash 6.5%
Oil: 4%
Soya Bean Meal
Soya beans when crushed produce 3 main products; oil meal and hulls. The remainder is then heated and flaked. The oil is extracted and the remainder in toasted to reduce anti-nutritional factors and expel remaining solvents. Soya bean meal is the best quality protein source widely used in our feeds. It is high in protein, energy, and has a good amino acid profile being high in lysine. 95% of the nitrogen present is true protein, making it ideal for all livestock.
Starch: 5%
Sugars: 11%
Protein: 55%
NDF: 13%
Ash: 6.5%
Oil: 2.5%
Rape Seed Meal
Soya Hulls
Wheat Feed
Palm Kernal Meal

Late Lactation Feeding 2020
Autumn grass has a lower energy value (lower sugar content) compared to spring/summer grass even through it can look very leafy and green. The response to ration in terms of milk yield is better in the autumn than at any other time of the year.
Low milk lactose levels can be an indication of not enough energy in the cows diet caused by low intake of wet, low-sugar, autumn grass.
With the above mentioned in mind, We at Southern Milling are promoting our Lacto 16 Dairy Nut.